New Student?

2 options available…

14 Days for $48 OR $89 for One month

$48* for 14 Days or $89* for ONE Month of unlimited studio classes for First Time Students to our studio; an opportunity to try all of the classes we offer. Also included is a 30 minute wellness visit, a chance to get to know each other, identify your goals and create a plan to achieve them.

click to download Responsibility Pledge and Release

*local residents only

Accept the challenge

We welcome you to experience all that Rolling Meadows Hot Yoga has to offer. If you are new to yoga, you’ll find a warm community of enthusiastic teachers and students who want to make you feel right at home. Our studio vibe is friendly, compassionate, and never pretentious. If you’ve already been taking yoga, our wide range of classes will challenge you and help you to grow in your practice.   

Achieve your goals

From weight loss to stress reduction, the benefits of yoga are boundless. Although it might be relief from an aching back that first brings you into the studio, you’ll soon discover that yoga has a profound ability to change not just your body, but also your mind. Our team of professional teachers will guide you step by step to find the right pose for your individual body. With consistent attendance and honest effort, you’ll be amazed at how healthy and happy you can feel.

Discover your true self

When you step into the yoga room, everything else in your life is put on pause. It's a calming place, without the distractions of cell phones and the frantic pace of everyday life, the studio is a place just for you to be you. As you move through the postures, rediscovering a connection to your breath, you’ll find yourself. Remember, yoga isn’t about achieving the perfect posture; it’s about learning to love the person you already are.    

I am not a yoga person. I complete century rides and marathons. I love heavy impact and endurance activities. When people asked me if I was into yoga; my true response was ‘that’s not really exercise’. Then I hurt my knee and my doctor said, ‘no more marathons’.

I needed to find something different. I happened upon Meadows Hot Yoga. You should know, I am the least flexible person you will ever meet but I figured how hard could it be and really, what did I have to lose?

I not only learned how hard it was  but I also experienced how little of the poses I could do in class and what a real workout it turned out to be. I also didn’t seem to have as much pain in my knees!

I continued to attend classes and fumbled my way through it. I really felt like a bull in a china shop. But the instructors are so kind and caring, I keep going back. I truly am impressed with how experienced and educated the instructors are at this studio. They are so patient and encouraging to everyone!

I am not only in less pain, but I’m also becoming stronger due to the variety of classes they offer at the studio. I still can’t touch my toes, but I have goals :)

Give this place a try. You really won’t be sorry. This place continues to heal me in many ways. Hope to see you soon!!!

~Regina K.

I have been doing Bikram usually three times a week for almost four years now. I still learn something new almost every time. Love these instructors, they invest time and heart into what they share during every class. 

~Letty S.

The knowledgeable and caring people, the zen atmosphere of the studio, a practice that I can continue with my whole life.  
~Christine G.

The owner, Carla, was incredibly kind and responsive. I left a voicemail with a couple of quick questions about joining Meadows Hot Yoga, and Carla responded to my call within 24 hours. She easily answered both of my questions and I attended my first class within the next couple of days. My first teacher, Kate, offered exceptional assistance to sign me up for a first month of unlimited classes. I found Kate to be a very good teacher during class as well, keeping in consideration the varying levels of all students in class and being mindful and considerate of students' limits, which I greatly appreciated. 

~Britta E.

I would recommend Meadows Hot Yoga for several reasons: the staff's professionalism, the $39 unlimited option for first timers to go with a consistent schedule, the full-service locker room, and the clean facilities. As a beginner, I also appreciate the tips and suggestions. 

~Jenny M.

So healing! After practicing martial arts for 20+ years, my range of motion was gradually decreasing. Yet, after only five months yoga practice (granted my wife & I practice nearly every day) my body feels rejuvenated. It’s like turning on a healing switch and feeling my body’s health restore. Thanks sooooo much to Carla and Gordy for opening Meadows Hot Yoga and introducing us to yoga!

~Tom R.

Great teachers and a great vibe! I have been to a dozen different Bikram studios in Chicago and around the world, and this one is the real deal. I would encourage anyone to practice here. And if you’ve never tried hot yoga, try it - you will feel amazing afterwards!

~Ana B.

I love this place and the people here!

I was a runner for years and started to notice the damage. Last August, I started searching for a yoga studio. This is the third yoga studio I tried, and after only one week decided to become a member. The environment is very clean, welcoming and calm. The instructors are great!
They truly care about Yoga and helping students. They emphasize the connection of body and mind.

They also offer a variety of classes. I take hot yoga (Bikram), Hatha yoga, Pilates, Rocket Yoga and Yin Yoga. After several months practice, I became more toned and flexible learning how to listen to my body and carrying that awareness into daily life.

I’m so glad to discover Meadows Hot Yoga and integrate yoga in my life! Many thanks to Carla and Gordy for establishing such
a marvelous yoga community!

~Lanhui R.